
How to detoxify toxin from your body?


First of all, cleansing or detoxification has been mentioning for a while and everyone wonders whether it is truly effective as being told. However, there is one thing you should know is that cleansing regularly or detoxifying naturally can surprise you with amazing benefits for your health of both mind and body. Therefore, it is recommended that you include detoxification into your daily routine so that you can be able to obtain a healthy lifestyle.
In order to have a healthy body, besides keeping closely watch of what you digest as well as exercising properly, it is better to remove toxins out of your body in all-natural ways. That is why you need to discover how to cleanse your body naturally by using simple ingredients available around your house.
Here are the top 28 most relevant tips for how to cleanse your body which you can easily apply from home in order to living to your full extent with healthy and strong lifestyle.

1. Green Tea

The first tip in regard to how to cleanse your body is none other than green tea. Green tea itself contains antioxidant compounds called catechin which are known as supporter for liver function. Drinking green tea every day not only is a method on how to cleanse the body but also helps reduce weight surprisingly.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric is antiseptic and is an excellent food to help the liver remove toxins. It enhances detoxify liver by supporting enzymes to remove toxins from the body. Turmeric can be used to prepare many ishes.
Turmeric not only helps you detoxify efficiently, but also treat various skin problems effectively.

3. Artichoke

Artichoke is good for the liver and helps the liver function efficiently. When healthy liver function optimally, it will remove toxins from the body effectively.
Besides the good benefits for liver, artichokes are very rich in fiber, protein, magnesium, folate and potassium, so you should add the artichokes into the daily diet to have a healthy body and a healthy liver. How to cleanse your body is easy, right?

4. Garlic

Garlic contains allicin as well as high selenium – two natural compounds which can help cleanse the liver. Just a small amount of garlic is capable of activating the liver’s enzyme that eliminates toxins from the body. Therefore, you need to add more garlic into your meals daily.
Besides being good for your health, garlic is also an excellent remedy for numerous problems such as head lice or mosquitoes.

5. Bitter Melon

Typically, these foods can have effect on how to cleanse you body. Bitter melon helps detoxify, eradicates heat in the body and brightens your eyes. Scientists have found from this fruit a protein that can prevent cancers markedly. It stimulates “defense” of the immune system and eliminates toxins in the body.

6. Apple

The gut can function to eliminate toxins quickly. If the digestive system is not good, the toxins will accumulate in the intestine and is absorbed back into the blood. It is very harmful to the body. In apples, fiber and natural rich binder prevent decomposed foods in intestine.

7. Honey

From ancient times, honey has been known as a food that detoxifies and beautifies your body. Honey has many vitamins and essential amino acid for the human body. Using honey regularly can eliminate toxin, and prevent any vascular disease or mental depression.
Hope Cheung
Sales Manager
Guangzhou Amarrie Cosmetics Co.,Ltd

SKYPE: apollohk1
Address: Ground Floor(North Area), Building C, DaDi Industrial Zone, ChongDong Rd, Tangxia, Tianhe Dist. GZ,China

TOP 6 Way to Get Rid of Clogged Pores, Simply and Convenient!

What are Clogged Pores?

Pores on the skin surface help the body to excrete salt, oil, water and many toxics. For some reasons (that will be mentioned below), pores are clogged and this leads to many trouble with your skin health.

What cause Clogged Pores?

Clogged pores occur inside the pores which are not visible to the naked eye. Normally, the sebaceous glands under our skin secret sebum oil through the pores and then pour onto the skin surface. The dead cells in the pores also follow oil drifting out. If your pores clear, you just need to clean the face with cleanser and no matter happens. However, there are many factors that can cause clogged pores such as sun, dirt, pollution. The sebaceous gland anyway keeps on producing sebum oil. This congestion makes oil and dead skin cells build up in the pores and then cause pimples, acne and blackheads.
To avoiding many unexpected results of clogged pores, the most important thing you need to do is to clean your pores regularly. Here are the top 6 most recommended tips on how to get rid of clogged pores that can be easily used for your self-skin care at home and keep your skin always healthy.

1. Steam

This inexpensive and highly effective remedy for how to get rid of clogged pores can open and wash away all kinds of impurities trapped inside the clogged pores.
Firstly, wash your face with a cleanser. Then wipe with a soft cloth (you should not rub it because the skin on your face is thinner than other parts of the body). Boil water and add green tea, mint tea, chamomile or other herbs to help nourish skin and make fragrances. Place a towel over your head and face to face with this mixed-water for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse with cool water. Notice just use this method once a week.

2. Exfoliating

It is one of the simplest ways for how to get rid of clogged pores and your skin will always be clean. Instead of using fingers, you should buy a piece of foam or sponge cleanser, and then use it to rub exfoliating cream on your face. Sponge helps substances absorb deeper into your pores.

3. Lemon

Lemon juice works to clean the pores extremely well thanks to the natural antiseptic, it help reduce oil and remove dead skin as well as unclog skin pores.
Cut a lemon and squeeze the juice. Use cotton to rub lemon juice on your face. Wait for 10 minutes until it becomes dry. Rinse with cool water.
You can also use lemon rind to clean your face by rubbing it over your skin in 5 minutes and rinse with warm water. Apply this remedy twice a week.

5. Honey

Natural antibacterial properties in honey can help prevent acne and clear your clogged pores. It also reduces oil and acts as great natural moisturizer that can keep your skin hydrated.
Just massage your face gently with raw honey and leave it for 10 minutes. After that, wash with lukewarm water to remove it. Repeat 2-3 times a week.
Another way, you can make a honey and yogurt mask by mixing 2 teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt and 1 teaspoon of olive or jojoba oil. Apply this mixture to your face in about 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Do this remedy once a week.

4. Egg Mask

Egg white has wonderful properties that can tighten your skin, keep your pores in check and make your skin soft and supple.
Break an egg and leave out yolk. Just take egg white and add honey for more effects. Apply this mixture to your face to make a mask. After the mask dry, wash off with warm water and use moisturizer. Do this once a week.

5. Clay Mask

Using clay mask can help suck out the dirt that clogs pores as they dry. You can buy them at cosmetic stores. But you can also make it by yourself.
Mix one table spoon of bentonite clay, a tablespoon of water and a tablespoon of oatmeal and add some activated charcoal if it is needed. Apply this mixture on your washed face for 10 minutes then rinse off with cool water, pat dry with a soft towel and apply moisturizer. Repeat this process once a week.

6. Avocado

Avocado is the fruit that you can find it to be incredibly popular. Besides the delicious taste, its usage will surely surprise you with the substances found in avocado including essential nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals… You can easily make for yourself an avocado mask at home by following few steps below:
Grind an avocado; add 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 egg white. Mix it well and apply mixture to your face for 10-15 minutes. Then, first wash your face with warm water and use cold water at the second time. So you will have a very bright face.
Hope Cheung
Sales Manager
Guangzhou Amarrie Cosmetics Co.,Ltd

SKYPE: apollohk1
Address: Ground Floor(North Area), Building C, DaDi Industrial Zone, ChongDong Rd, Tangxia, Tianhe Dist. GZ,China

How to Take Care of Sensitive Skin?

What is Sensitive Skin?

Sensitive skin is a common problem; however, what make its more complexes is the level of care as well as caution you need to take in your products and treatments. It can be tiring procedures due to high level of frequency.
Sensitive skin is more vulnerable in term of allergic reaction toward products for skin care or even irritating factors from external environment. You can observe the most obvious symptoms which are blotchy and red as well as dry or oily skin. Also the sensitivity level is different from one to another; however, they all need dedicated care and attention.
Here are the top 7 most effective remedies for how to take care of sensitive skin which you can easily apply from home in order to prevent your sensitive skin from overreact as well as maintain a healthy state for your skin…

1. Sunscreen

It is extremely important as it can effectively protect your skin from damages of the UV rays. Due to the fact that majority of sunscreens have toxic ingredients or chemicals that bring negative impacts for your skin, it is wise to choose sunscreens with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide.
Those ingredients can bring you protection with no side effects. Also it is best to choose sunscreens with mineral or physical formula as well as the SPF level of 30.
No matter what the weather is, it is necessary to apply sunscreen to protect your sensitive skin. Remember to apply at least 20 minutes before going out.
Moreover, remember to avoid staying outside when the sun is strongest such as noon. Also remember to put on a hat with large brim and loose clothes to cover up your skin.

2. Skin Care Product

The products with synthetic fragrances, coloring agents, acids, petrochemicals, sodium
lauryl sulfate, harsh exfoliants or alcohol can give your skin irritating sensation.
Therefore, products which contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties should be the excellent choice for your skin. Furthermore, products with fewer ingredients will be better choice for your sensitive skin.
In case, you are having difficulties choosing, you can look for either “fragrance-free” or “hypo-allergenic” type of product.
Remember to test the products before purchasing or at best, consult the specialist before making decision.

3. Cosmetic

This process will need to be done carefully if you have sensitive skin.
For face powder, the ones with fewer preservatives as well as silicon-based foundation are the best choice as it will reduce the chance of getting irritated skin. Eyebrow fillers and pencil eyeliner are also good choices for consideration. More importantly, keep out of products which are waterproof as well as anti-aging complexity.
Remember to not share your personal makeup and discard those old ones. It is recommended to minimize the use of makeup as much as possible.

4. Coconut Oil

The fatty acids from coconut oil can effectively maintain hydration and moisture for your skin. Even better, coconut oil can absorb deep into your skin and nourish your skin from within.
The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties can efficiently treat skin problems such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis as well as prevent your skin from damage of the sun.

5. Milk

The soothing and anti-inflammatory properties in milk can cleanse your skin effectively; prevent it from itchiness and dryness by moisturizing and enhancing your skin complexion.
In order to cleanse with milk, you can take a cotton pad to apply the milk onto your face. After about 15 minutes, cleanse using warm water.
In order to use face mask made from milk, you can make a paste using half a teaspoon of gram flour with some raw milk. Put in some rose water and honey. Directly apply on the neck and face area. After 10 minutes, cleanse using warm water. Perform once per week.
Milk is something which is always available at home and it also benefits your health in multiple aspects.

6. Green Tea

The well-known antioxidant property of green tea can effectively protect your skin from negative free radicals as well as rejuvenate and soothe the skin.
Consume couples of green tea cup per day can significantly help you control sun damage and decrease the aging effects. Another option is storing brewed tea in the fridge and cleansing your face using it.
Additionally, it is recommended to choose products for skin care which contain green tea substance.

7. Honey

Considered as a moisturizer from nature, your skin will not get irritating sensation; in fact, the skin will be cleansed perfectly. The simplest method is mixing honey with yogurt and directly applying onto your face. In case your skin has oily portions, you can use face mask made from 4 tablespoon of clay powder with water, honey and lemon pulp. After applying on your face for 20 minutes, cleanse using warm water.

8. Weekly Exfoliation

This procedure is essential for skin as it helps eliminate dead skin cells which will stimulate the process of skin renewal and improve the texture of the skin.
This process also efficiently decreases the chance of getting acne and blackheads as well as encourages the absorption of moisturizers and serums into skin.
You can make a paste from strawberries with yogurt and some oatmeal. Directly apply on your face and massage. After that, cleanse using cool water and soft cloth. Finish with some mild moisturizers.
Remember to not overuse exfoliation. The appropriate time should be once every 11 days.

Hope Cheung
Sales Manager
Guangzhou Amarrie Cosmetics Co.,Ltd

SKYPE: apollohk1
Address: Ground Floor(North Area), Building C, DaDi Industrial Zone, ChongDong Rd, Tangxia, Tianhe Dist. GZ,China

TOP 7 Way Easily and Safety Way to Get Rid of Hyperpigmentation!

Uneven color and dark patches on the face due to hyperpigmentation can make you lose your confidence. The answer for how to get rid of hyperpigmentation can be easily found in this article.

What is Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation is a phenomenon that dues to the excessive of melanin.
The symptoms of hyperpigmentation are some red acnes that appear on the surface of the skin, often on the cheeks and nose. These acnes will gradually turn into brownish yellow. Hyperpigmentation doesn’t affect very much health but the aesthetic beauty of each person can be damaged severely.

What causes Hyperpigmentation?

There are many causes of skin pigmentation, but they can be divided into two main groups.
From inside the body:
  • Hereditary.
  • Due to hormonal changes: pregnancy, menopause, menstrual disorders…
  • Gynecological diseases such as chronic inflammation of the uterus, appendages inflammation, liver diseases and parasites, malaria.
  • Because of mood, psychological mental, mental state in prolonged stress.
Here are the top 7 most recommended tips for how to get rid of hyperpigmentation that you can use to remove the acne and maintain a healthy skin.

1. Lemon

Lemon is one of the most common tips for how to get rid of hyperpigmentation. It is because there are a lot of citric acids in a lemon that can help whiten the skin and alleviate the dark blemishes on the skin surface. You can read more at How To Get Rid Of Blemishes.
Cut half a lemon and squeeze to get the juice. Dip a cotton ball in the juice then apply it on the affected skin. Let the cotton ball sit on for at least 10 minutes then remove. Finally, wash off your face with water.
Apply the method 2 times a day and last for few months until the symptoms are alleviated.

2. Honey

Honey can be used as a hyperpigmentation removal thanks to its amazing properties. People whose skin is dry also prefer using honey.
Take 2-3 teaspoons of raw honey and mix with the equal amount of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on the skin to form a facial mask. Then place a warm towel on the mask to cover it well. Keep this for about 15 minutes. Remove the mask by rinsing off with lukewarm water.
Follow the method once a week to see the results.

3. Raw Potato

Potato is always used in making a facial mask for the skin due to its blemishes enzymes. As a hyperpigmentation cream, raw potato can act to lighten the affected skin.
Take a potato and slice it into some small and thin slices. Clean your face with fresh water then apply these potato slices so that they can cover the whole skin face. Let them sit on for 5-10 minutes. After that, remove then wash off with water.
Follow the method 3-4 times a week.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has wonderful skin lighting effects that will decline and eliminate the dark patches on the skin. In addition, it can help restore natural color of the skin thanks to its astringent properties. Therefore, it is a wonderful tip on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation.

5. Aloe Vera

The Aloe Vera gel, a wonderful hyperpigmentation removal, contains a lot of mucilaginous polysaccharides that will bring about some amazing effects as well as you apply it. Aloe Vera can exclude the dead skin cells and support the development of new skin cells.
All you need to do is just take some Aloe Vera gel and apply to the hyperpigmented skin. Keep it through the night. In the next morning, remove the gel by rinsing off with lukewarm water.

Take this remedy daily for a few weeks to improve the situation.

6. Orange Peel

People often remove orange peel without understanding the wonderful effects of orange peel in the treatment for hyperpigmentation. In fact, the use of orange peel comes from its component- citric acid.
After eating orange, keep the peel and dry it under the sun light then grind the peel into powder form and save it. When using it to treat hyperpigmentation, take 1 teaspoon and mix with one teaspoon of lemon juice, one teaspoon of milk. Apply the mixture on the affected skins and keep for at least 20 minutes. Gently massage the skin during this time. Finally, rinse off with water to remove it.
Follow the remedy 3 times a week so that it can help support cell renewal and alleviate dark skin patches.

7. Whitening product

This whitening cream  helps to prevent and delay damage from surfacing. Skin contains cells that play a key role in preserving its youthful appearance. This whitening cream helps to protect these vital cells, thereby promoting the skin's ability to repair itself. The  whitening formula face cream helps to combat the effects of aging and smooth the appearance of wrinkles that have already formed. 

Active Ingredient:

Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Aloe vera Leaf Extracts, Arbutin Extract, Hyaluronan Acid, Citrus Flower Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra Extract.

Hope Cheung
Sales Manager
Guangzhou Amarrie Cosmetics Co.,Ltd

SKYPE: apollohk1
Address: Ground Floor(North Area), Building C, DaDi Industrial Zone, ChongDong Rd, Tangxia, Tianhe Dist. GZ,China


5 Simply Way to Get Rida Of Double Chin?

What is Double Chin?

Double chin is a layer of subcutaneous fat around the neck that sags down and creates a wrinkle, making the appearance of a second chin.

What causes Double Chin?

Double chin is caused by many reasons. When you own a double chin, it does not mean you are fat or you are old. However, the main cause of double chin is usually overweight. Also, age and elasticity-losing skin can cause the double chin.
You can get rid of double chin by some minor surgeries, but there are home remedies for how to get rid of double chin which can save you from many risks, pains and waste a lot of money.

1. Sugar Free Gum

An essential remedy for how to get rid of double chin is giving your facial muscles a workout, especially the muscles in your jaw line.
The simple exercise for the muscles in your jaw line is chewing sugar free gum. This home remedy for double chin also brings you a healthier teeth and gums. To see the positive result as quickly as possible, you should chew sugar free gum many times a day.

2. Egg Whites

For skin problems, egg white is an essential choice. That is why it is included in the top 3 most effective home remedies for how to get rid of double chin. Because of its skin tightening effect, egg white can help eliminate the double chin effect.
How to use:
  • Mix well 2 egg whites, 1 tablespoon of milk, 1table spoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Add some drops of peppermint essential oil.
  • Apply this mixture on your neck and chin area.
  • After 30 minutes, wash it off with warm water.

3. Green Tea

Green tea is an excellent remedy to burn extra calories and lose weight due to its potent antioxidants and many other components. Therefore, it is often referred as one of the best home remedies for how to get rid of double chin.
How to use:
  • Drink green tea many times every day and remember to drink a cup of green tea after you get up.

4. Chin Exercises

To get rid of double chin, chin exercises are extremely essential. These exercises will help strengthen your chin and neck muscles and improve the elasticity of your skin.
How to use:
  • Keep your spine erect and slowly tilt your head back until you see the ceiling and then pucker up your lips in a pout.
  • After 5 seconds, return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 5 to 10 minutes.
You should apply this double chin treatment daily until there are positive results.

 5. Chin & Neck Applicator

The innovative neck applicator, with a special and mild formula containing many natural and effective herbal ingredients, the applicator works well for resolve cellulite, enhance skin elastic and reduce wrinkles; improve sagging skin under chin & neck. It helps in reducing double chin in with an easy and effective way, and reduces the visible signs of aging over chin and neck. Let you have a sexy shaped chin and neck with beautiful contours!    

Hope Cheung
Sales Manager
Guangzhou Amarrie Cosmetics Co.,Ltd

SKYPE: apollohk1
Address: Ground Floor(North Area), Building C, DaDi Industrial Zone, ChongDong Rd, Tangxia, Tianhe Dist. GZ,China